Welcome to the October 2023, Mintsoft Quarterly Update.
We intend for this update to provide you with information on the latest feature updates including new integrations and partnerships, along with development updates on the Mintsoft platform; all undertaken to ensure you can remain competitive in your respective markets and continue being able to use Mintsoft for your complete order fulfillment operations.
New Feature Spotlight – Pallets and Cartons
We’re pleased to introduce you to our latest B2B feature – Pallets and Cartons.
This feature has been made to help you increase efficiency and save warehouse space with the warehouse and inventory management tools for sending and storing in bulk.
Benefits of this additional module include:
- Unique pallet & carton IDs – to allow you to see what’s on each pallet and where they are for picking within the warehouse
- Mix SKUs on a pallet – add multiple cartons with different SKUs to one pallet and house them with ease, saving warehouse space
- Increase efficiency and consolidate space – create and manage pallets and cartons in the most efficient way, saving space in your warehouse
- Easy bulk input and output – Receive, transfer and send goods in bulk using unique or mixed pallet and carton IDs
- Mobile barcode scanning – easily locate and pick pallets using unique IDs on the Mintsoft mobile barcode scanning app
If you’d like to find out more, please visit our page dedicated to the module.
Development Update
Product Manager, Luke Owens recently presented Mintsoft’s ‘Now, Next, Future’ development plan in the quarterly update webinar.
If you aren’t familiar with this concept Now contains features actively being developed at the moment and these are the ones you will see released over the coming weeks and months. Next contains the features we are planning to start immediately after but with less detail as we are still finalising the scope and Future details our current longer term goals.
Luke’s highlights of the development roadmap included the following development projects for Mintsoft:
What we’re working on Now:
- Continued work on our updated Android Scanning App – Beta launch will be approaching soon!
- Updates to Amazon FBA functionality such as Amazon Partnered Shipping and additional data for order and sales reports
- Updates to Pallets and Cartons functionality such as 3PL accounting capabilities and creating orders for specific pallets
- New Mintsoft platform user interfaces
- Stock take – count full or selected locations, produce discrepancy and adjustment reports and recount functionality
What we’re working on Next:
- Updates to the Tasking module to include split large orders, create and assign warehouse tasks, scanner replenishment tasks, multiple stock take options and increased traceability
- Additional stock take functionality to be added
- Adding Experian business health dashboard to Workspace
- Updates to replenishment capabilities
- Addition of ‘Access Prospect CRM’ and ‘Access Financials’ integrations
What we’re working on in the Future:
- Multi-warehouse management and accounting improvements
- Client mobile app
- Wholesale portal
- Evri parcelshop support
- ‘Access Dimensions’ integration updates
This roadmap focuses on the larger pieces of development and is in no way exhaustive. We also release software updates every week with a host of improvements and bug fixes so please be sure to check the release notes on the support portal.
Luke also detailed the most recent updates to Mintsoft, undertaken in the last quarter; these include: